Free the body, quiet the mind.

Quiet the mind, open the heart.

Let’s talk.

Reiki & Bodywork in San Francisco


A deeply harmonious hands-on healing experience that aims to alleviate discomfort, restore balance and support tranquility.

Each treatment is for you, in that moment.


Reiki & Bodywork in San Francisco

Craniosacral Massage we exfoliate the tension, stress and stimulus that accumulates above the shoulders, welcoming bliss in its place.

1 hour massage on the shoulders, neck, face and scalp.

Soft explorations, a heartfelt conversation with your body. Welcoming equilibrium with mindful touch.

Depth Massage softens the deepest layers, engaging in a tender dialogue to find balance throughout the body.

1 hour massage on the entire body



Breathwork Breathwork

Breathwork in San Francisco

The “answer” rarely approaches us in a halo of light.

The solution to our woes and the framework for a new way of seeing the world comes not in a flash but in thoughtful exfoliation. The key to our contentment, our creativity, and our consciousness has been with us since the moment we were born and will be there until we pass on.

Our breath.

We move through life with this tool, necessary for survival and central to our awakening, moving in and out of our body tens of thousands of times a day.



  • A psychotherapeutic breathing practice that involves rapid, deep breathing in conjunction with music. It's intended to help with emotional healing and personal growth. A holotropic session can be as expansive and transformative as a psychedelic exploration while being far more controllable.

    This modality was created by Dr. Grof as a legal, repeatable and safe alternative for his prior LSD therapy clients once acid was prohibited.

  • A 1 to 4 hour facilitated holotropic breathwork session for a group up to 25, online or in-person (depending on your available space).

  • A one-on-one exploration of forms of breathwork and pranayama (breath + control) that open the mind, body, and spirit. We’ll work together to identify and practice techniques best suited to your direction.

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelics in SF

Life is a journey. The opportunities to read a book, hear a song, sit in the sun, and meet someone new all approach us each and every day. Along with these “good” things come “bad” things. Physical pain, emotional strain, stress, a barking dog, a nagging fear, a terminal illness, loss. There is no internal scale that balances our reaction to “good” and “bad”; subsequently, it feels like there is little room for us to escape the onslaught of challenges. We feel overwhelmed, worn out. We miss the mystery, the beauty of Now, because we’re surrounded by a forest of confusion and distraction.

A psychedelic journey can bring soft golden light into the dim wood of our current struggles, illuminate a pasture of openness, and show opportunities to see, hear and feel more clearly the gift that is our life. “Good”, “bad,” and everything in-between.

Offerings can include pre-session preparation and counseling, journey facilitation and guidance, and post-trip integration.



Hey, what’s up? I’m Bolé and I’m here to help.

I received my Ayurvedic and Yogic (200hr) instruction from Mount Madonna Institute, in the tradition shared by Baba Hari Dass.

My bodywork training was with Daniel Santosha at his School of Healing Arts.

I’ve received my Level 2 Reiki accreditation in SF, CA

I’m a MAPS and the Zendo Project trained Psychedelic Trip Sitter