
Where does it start?

reiki healing energy bodywork

Snake in a bowl

Water turned to stoned

Looming perfection

Heel nipped by the Lesson

Who taught you to grow

To balance it all

with what must be managed in a day

Power in doing

Bi-tidal dreaming

United by the river

Which way flotsam?

In? Out?

Can you stay

Right there

How easy to picture you there

At the beach, at the front, from the side

Your power or mine

Cupped hands holding

smooth stones, water

what can remain

Lose one, build with the other

Tell me big tree

Do you make plans for this water

Gravity curbing all

Communal tension

Each, here

To take, preceding and prefacing

Soul, soil and loam

Ancient Jar

Line of salt

Made, filled

With purpose, sometimes

The story of our fullness is the same as our emptiness

Do you oh jar live within dreams

Clay pondering its palimpsests

Who's turn is it to fill?

Too empty?


Long Shadow Cowboy


"Early Days"