I don’t know
where to start
where to go
who to be
what to mean
how to follow
when it will happen
how it will happen
how it will feel
what is needed
May this be ever more the truth.
If the mooring begins to fade and all semblance of this reality snaps away to reveal a dimension with its own pulse of time and space in place of all you’ve ever known- what information would be most valuable in that moment?
I’m talking about peering into a scene you can only VAGUELY comprehend because of some universal, uni-dimensional ways of being. Ways of being that may have felt trivial when your life was so big with its dramas, and perceptions and trips home.
Truths that lose all semblance of meaning because the aperture changes.
I’m telling myself too many things.
How life works, what is correct, what color that is, the bird song I hear belongs to a red wing blackbird. On and on.
I hadn’t realize that I had everything I need. No external bit of information will be ultimately responsible for my “purpose” to be realized.
I got so tight for just a second because I was reading about how Sanskrit is a holographic language, and then I got to chastising myself for not devoting time to learning more. But how could I because I’m reading about time dilation?
And I haven’t been getting to that lately because I’ve been trying to listen to more binaural frequency, which makes it tough to concentrate on anything else.
And even that has been less and less for me lately because I’ve been putting more time towards sitting in the sun and stretching.
This all goes on, and this grasping for one thread makes barbed wire out of the others, making it easy to miss every moment all the way to the funeral pyre.
Being open, not knowing, provides space.
“Not knowing” as in putting forth zero effort towards understanding, cataloging, interpreting or perceiving.
An empty storage locker.
Without an empty hub,
Wheels are useless.
Without an inside emptiness,
Pots and bowls are useless.
Without an empty space for doors and windows,
Houses are useless.
Without an empty mind,
People are useless. - Tao 11
Emptiness used to feel bad, scary, weird, difficult to integrate. Now I’m beginning to see it as maintaining an open palm.
Ready, willing, and always waiting for what is to come.
Big Empty,
If you want to try reiki in person or remotely or explore some of the other modalities I work with click here.
~Note Zone~
I’m sharing breathwork and meditation at Yoga Shala (10th & Judah) at 1015am on Thursdays
If you’ve worked with me in the past, could you leave a review?
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Playing @ the Altar of Now: Ultimate Om by Jonathan Goldman
Currently Being Read @ the Altar Of Now: the sky